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Mission Statement

The mission of Winnfield Middle School is to "Teach, Inspire, Grow, Excel, and Respect all Students.


The vision of Winnfield Middle School is to provide a safe, supportive family environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation, responsibility, and high academic achievement and opportunities while developing a sense of understanding and compassion for others.

Important Information

  • Call  318-628-6936 ext 232 for student concerns related to social, emotional, and behavioral well-being.

  • Important information regarding Student Fees, Fines, and Charges can be found here.

    Louisiana Believes

    Stop Bullying



    See document links below!


    Local Literacy Plan



    Winnfield Middle School


    Brian Savell, Principal


    Al Simmons, Superintendent


    August 25, 2023- Ongoing




    Section 1a: Literacy Vision and Mission Statement


    Literacy Vision

    Strong literacy skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening are the tools to functioning successfully as twenty-first century citizens. We believe students can achieve proficient reading and writing skills when provided high quality literacy interventions and extensions.

    Literacy Mission Statement

    Winnfield Middle School strives to provide high quality core instruction with explicit literacy interventions and extensions.




    Section 1b: Goals


    Goal 1 (Student-Focused)

    The percentage of 5th-8th grade students scoring mastery or above in ELA will increase by 4% on the Spring 2024 LEAP 2025 standardized assessment.


    The percentage of diverse learners scoring mastery or above in ELA will increase by 4% on the Spring 2024 LEAP 2025 standardized assessment.


    The percentage of minority male students scoring mastery or above in ELA will increase by 4% on the Spring 2024 LEAP 2025 standardized assessment.

    Goal 2 (Teacher-Focused)

    All ELA teachers will implement Tier I curriculum, Louisiana Guidebooks, during the 2023-2024 school year, as evidenced by observations from school leaders.

    Goal 3 (Program-Focused)

    Winnfield Middle School will utilize small group instruction and differentiated iReady resources within the 2023-2024 school year in order to improve student outcomes.




    Section 1c: Literacy Team




    Brian Savell, Principal


    Christin Page, Assistant Principal

    ● analyze school-wide data

    ● monitor implementation of school

    literacy plans

    ● observe and provide feedback to


    5th-8th Grade ELA Teachers

    ● offer peer support through

    modeling and sharing resources during PLC meetings

    ●coordinate opportunities for family involvement

    ● analyze data and develop individual student literacy plans to offer explicit interventions and extensions

    Other Content Area Teachers

    (Little, Hatcher)

    ● partner with ELA teachers on design and implementation of project based learning extension opportunities

    ● partner with ELA teachers to increase family communication opportunities


    Meeting Schedules


    Date & Type of Meeting (Plan Review, Data Analysis, etc.)

    Frequency of Meetings (Weekly, Monthly, etc.)


    PLC Team Meetings

    2023-2024 School Year

    Weekly, Thursdays

    Ongoing professional development and literacy plan implementation

    Literacy Plan Review

    Each 9-weeks

    Implementation of literacy plan

    Student Progress- 

    Data Analysis


    Data analysis to determine student growth



    Section 2: Explicit Instruction, Interventions, and Extensions 

    A diagram of a support flowchart

Description automatically generated

    Section 2: Explicit Instruction, Interventions, and Extensions 


    Action Plan Overview

    Each student in grades 5-8th will receive an individual literacy plan. The plan will include the student’s assessment results, instructional path (core plus- acceleration, extensions, supports, interventions), progress monitoring plan, and goals.


    All students will receive tier 1 core instruction, Louisiana Guidebooks, in ELA. Students with current scores in the Advanced range for ELA on LEAP will receive opportunities for extensions and accelerated learning. Students with current scores in the Mastery range for ELA on LEAP will receive opportunities for extensions. Students with current scores in the Basic range for ELA on LEAP will receive in-class supports. Students with current scores in the low Basic range (with teacher referral) and the Approaching Basic or Unsatisfactory ranges for ELA on LEAP will receive additional literacy screening with the DIBELS 8th assessment. Results from DIBELS will determine the targeted interventions provided to those students.


    Core Instruction- LA Guidebooks


    Accelerated Learning- Identify and introduce priority skills & standards for the next grade level. Utilize Crosswalk Coach, iReady, small group, or individual assignments to provide instruction. Identify and teach advanced vocabulary with a focus on morphology and tier two words.


    Extensions- Provide engaging opportunities to enrich knowledge related to current grade level skills & standards. Provide opportunities to extend background knowledge and study tier three vocabulary. Incorporate project-based learning, small group instruction, iReady, and Guidebooks extension tasks.


    Supports- Provide in-class supports to facilitate mastery of grade-level skills & standards. Utilize iReady, Crosswalk Coach, fluency practice, and in-class small group instruction. Consult the LA Guidebooks diverse learners support guides for strategies and resources. Provide grade-level vocabulary support with a focus on morphology. Explicitly teach research-based reading comprehension strategies. Explicitly teach writing structures and provide organizational tools.


    Interventions- In addition to classroom supports, provide targeted interventions as determined by DIBELS assessment results. Provide small group or individual Instruction during WIN time or class time. Utilize iReady, crosswalk coach, LDOE materials, and other identified resources as necessary. Ensure frequent progress monitoring at least every four-weeks or more often as needed. Adjust goals and interventions as needed. Provide additional incentives for reaching short-term goals.



    Action Plan




    Action Steps

    Person(s) Responsible


    Evidence of Success



    September 2023

    Administer DIBELS literacy screener to all recommended students


    DIBELS screener

    Available data for individual literacy plans


    September- 2023

    Develop individual literacy plans for all students 


    Student Data (LEAP, DIBELS, iREADY)

    Copies of Individual literacy plans


    September-May 2023

    Implement individual student literacy plans (to include core instruction, progress monitoring, interventions, extensions and acceleration as needed)


    Individual literacy plans, support flow chart

    Students demonstrate growth on LEAP


    2023/2024 school year

    Teachers implement Tier 1 curriculum, Louisiana Guidebooks, in ELA classrooms


    Guidebooks, LDOE resources

    Scope and sequence, classroom observations by administration


    2023/2024 school year

    Program-wide implementation of small group instruction and use of differentiated iReady resources



    Scope and sequence, classroom observations by administration


    Section 3: Ongoing Professional Growth


    Potential PD Planning



    (When can PD be scheduled throughout the school year?)


    (What topics are most needed and should be covered and/or prioritized?)


    (Who would benefit most from this PD? Consider also who can redeliver to other teachers/faculty.)

    August 2023

    Guidebook Training


    August 2023

    Early Literacy Training


    August 2023

    DIBELS Literacy Screener Training


    2023-2024 School Year

    New Directions Coaching & Job-embedded Professional Development




    2023-2024 School Year

    PLC Meetings, Small Group Professional Development, LDOE Literacy Library Middle School PD Series





    Section 4: Family Engagement Around Literacy




    Accessibility Opportunities

    Community Partners

    2023-2024, monthly

    Literacy message in the “Tiger Talk” newsletter

    Newsletter shared with parents and students via paper copy and on school social media, may include QR code to link to resources

    School newspaper staff

    Each 9-weeks

    Parent guide to Guidebooks unit

    Teachers will distribute a parent’s guide for the current unit of instruction to facilitate home learning.

    Partner with Winn Parish Library to distribute related texts lists.

    Fall and Spring Parent Conference Nights

    Literacy handouts 

    Teachers will distribute literacy handouts at parent conference nights to facilitate home learning.


    Date TBD

    Literacy Night

    Engaging activities to promote literacy achievement and increase access to resources.

    New Directions consultants,

    community businesses


    Literacy Spotlights on School Social Media

    Provide a positive spotlight on classroom activities related to literacy on the school’s facebook page to increase awareness and support.

    Social media exposure and community support




    Section 5: Alignment to other Initiatives

    Initiative Alignment


    Other Programs/Initiatives

    Connecting to Literacy

    Plan to Monitor/Evidence of Success

    Winn Parish Literacy Plan

    literacy goals for district

    Monitoring of literacy plan implementation will be ongoing. Evidence of success includes improved student outcomes.


    Section 6: Communicating the Plan

    Communication Plan


    Stakeholder Group

    Plan for Communicating



    PLC meetings, faculty meetings

    PLC weekly, faculty meeting monthly


    Conferences with teachers, copy of individual literacy plan

    Individual literacy plan conference in September, Progress monitoring updates each 9-weeks (or more frequently as needed)

    Family & Community

    Parent conferences, school newsletter, school social media, school apps, literacy night events, google classroom

    Parent conferences in Fall and Spring, Progress monitoring updates each 9-weeks, spotlights via social media at least monthly, newsletter monthly

    School Staff

    Faculty meetings


    District Administrators and Supervisors, School Board Members

    Administrators’ meetings, School Board Meetings


    Review the School System Literacy Roadmap for recommended timelines for action steps to promote literacy. For additional guidance and resources, visit the Louisiana Literacy’s webpage, Literacy Library, or email  

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Contact Information

Winnfield Middle School
685 Thomas Mill Road
Winnfield, Louisiana 71483
Phone: 318-628-2765
Fax: 318-628-1838